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Otex Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops 10ml

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Product Description

Otex Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops 10ml

Otex Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops are a gentle and effective solution to hardened ear wax. Clinically recommended to soften and help remove hardened ear wax.
Otex Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops come with an easy-to-use dropper applicator.
Otex Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops are clinically recommended for the treatment of excessive, hardened ear wax which can cause discomfort, a feeling of fullness and even pain, dizziness and some loss of hearing if left untreated.


Otex Sodium Bicarbonate Ear Drops are for gently and effectively softening and helping to remove hardened ear wax.


Sodium bicarbonate, glycerol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol and purified water.


Repeat the following once or twice daily, for up to 2 weeks, until you notice an improvement in your symptoms:
1. Tilt your head and gently squeeze 3 to 4 drops into the ear without touching the ear with the end of the dropper.
2. Keep head tilted, leave for a few minutes, wipe any surplus with a tissue. Repeat in the other ear if necessary.
3. Perform twice daily for up to 5 days.

For full directions, refer to package leaflet within each pack.

Safety Warning

Do not use Otex Sodium Bicarbonate:
If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to any of the ingredients.
If you are also putting anything else in the ear (such as other ear drops or a hearing aid).
If there is anything else wrong with your ear such as pain, swelling, discharge, infection or tinnitus (ringing sounds in the ear).

The ear drops can temporarily make the symptom of excessive ear wax worse. If these worsened symptoms do not improve, you should consult your doctor.

For full safety information, refer to Package leaflet within each pack.