nail treatment

How To Get Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment At Home?

A manicure treatment is a great way to take care of your nails, especially your toes. A therapist cleans your toes and treats your nails. But what if you develop a skin infection on your feet? It is a medical condition that you need to address with medicine like Scholl Athletes Foot Spray 150 ml

What is an athlete's foot?

It is a type of skin infection that develops on moist skin. If your feet remain moist all day due to shoes or you work in moist conditions, you are likely to develop fungal infections on your toes. The infected skin becomes scaly and itchy. Also, it could develop into blisters leading to a burning or stinging sensation on the toes. This condition can’t be cured with a manicure.

Scholl Athletes Foot Spray 150 ml is effective in controlling the fungal infection because of its ingredients which include Tolnaftate. It is a strong anti-fungal agent that works well on fungal infections. For treatment, you need to clean the infected skin and let it dry for some time. When the infection is clean, you can spray the anti-fungal medicine and leave your feet open.

Fungal infection nails

If you want your nails to look young forever then you should keep them safe from damage and infections. But never worry if you develop a fungal infection on your nails. You can treat the fungal nail infection at home. It is better to start the treatment as soon as you notice the signs if infection. Early treatment gives better results.

Start the four-week Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment at home. You will get a kit with files and a bottle of anti-fungal liquid. If you follow the treatment, it will keep your nails free from fungal infection for months to come. The results will be quick and long-lasting. Also, you can treat your fungal nail at home.

File your nails once a week and dispose of the file after use. Also, treat your nails with anti-fungal liquid regularly for four weeks. You will see the infection shrinking and your nails growing. After four weeks, you can continue the treatment once a week for 9 months. Discontinue the treatment when the discoloration has grown out.

The advantage of Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment is it provides complete treatment. You get a kit complete with files and anti-fungal liquid. Also, it is easy to use. You won’t have any hassle in treating your fungal nails at home.